400+ FREE PMI-ACP Sample Exam Questions with Answers

Reviewed by:
On January 21, 2015
Last modified:March 11, 2020


These tried-and-tested FREE PMI-ACP practice questions help PMI-ACP aspirants to understand their readiness to tackle the real PMI-ACP Exam — excellent in quality!

PMI-ACP Mock Exams

Perhaps one of the most useful reference materials for the PMI-ACP® exam is sample exam questions.  Here is a collection of the best PMI-ACP® sample exam questions found on the internet. The best part is many of these sample exams are free.

PMI-ACP® Sample Exam Questions

The questions to appear on the PMI-ACP® Exam can be broadly divided into two types according to the PMI-ACP® Exam syllabus:

  • Knowledge and Skills – you will need to recall the how and why of the individual knowledge and skill, that means you would need to remember major facts of the topics involved
  • Tools and Techniques – you will need to demonstrate your understanding of the tools and techniques through questions which ask you to do, calculate or chose what would happen next

List of Free Quality PMI-ACP® Sample Exams (over 400 questions with answers)

My First-time Scores for the PMI-ACP® Exam Questions

Like what I did for the PMP sample exam questions, I document below my score for the first trial of the quality free PMI-ACP® sample exam questions. I will try to compare my scores with the real PMI-ACP® exam to form a benchmark for fellow PMI-ACP® exam aspirants.

No. PMI-ACP® Mock Exam %
1 Mike Griffiths 20 Questions 85%
2 iZenbridge 92 Questions 70-90%
3 Project Management PrepCast 35 Questions 75%
4 PMI-ACP® Training 20 Questions 80%
5 Agileexams.com 25 Questions 70%
Other Paid PMI-ACP® Mock Exmas
5 PMI-ACP® Exam Prep by Mike Griffiths 65-90%
6 PMI-ACP® Exam: How to Pass On Your First Try by Andy Crowe 85%
7 PMTraining PMI-ACP® Exam Practice Questions 66% – 100%

From my own experience as well as many PMI-ACP® exam takers’, the actual PMI-ACP® Exam consists mainly of “situational” / “scenario-based” questions (after all, the PMI-ACP® Exam is a test of your proficiency in applying Agile principles, not your ability to recite information and facts). Many of the questions about actually do not resemble the actual PMI-ACP® exam. But, I do feel that having a strong theoretical background is essential for you to answer the situational/scenario-based questions correctly…… after all — most of these questions are FREE to try. Nothing to lose.

And these question banks will help PMI-ACP® aspirants to understand their knowledge gaps so that they will know where to focus on their studies.

In the end, I got all “Proficient” in the PMI-ACP® Exam. As you will see, even if you get 65% in some parts of the areas covered by the PMI-ACP® Exam, you will be able to pass the exam with flying colors if you keep on studying. Wish you PMI-ACP® success!


If you are preparing for the PMI-ACP® Exam, do try out the FREE PMI-ACP® sample exam questions listed above. Do try to score over 75% in all of these sample exams. Your scores in the sample PMI-ACP® exams should be a reliable indicator of your readiness for the actual PMI-ACP® Exam!

If you still need some more practice exam questions, you are advised to take a look at the following quality paid PMI-ACP® mock exam sites:

  • [480 quality PMI-ACP® exam questions for US$99] PMI-ACP® Exam Simulator
    The publisher of PMI-ACP® Exam Simulator is Cornelius Fichtner who is the instructor behind PM PrepCast™ / Agile PrepCast™ / PMP Exam Simulator — quality assured. You may read my first-hand review on the PMI-ACP® Exam Simulator here.
  • [610+ quality PMI-ACP® exam questions for US$49] http://www.agileexams.com
    Scroll down the page and look for the green “sample exam” button on the lower right part of the page. Questions are mainly information-based, not resembling the real PMI-ACP® exam but are a good indicator of your Agile knowledge.
  • [1000+ quality PMI-ACP® exam questions for US$99US$59] http://www.pmtraining.com
    Quite a few number of questions included here are “situational/scenario-based” that resemble the real PMI-ACP® Exam. On the landing page, please hover the menu item “Certified Agile Training” and click “PMI-ACP® Practice Exams” to get the 1000+ PMI-ACP® questions for US$99 US$59 [limited special offer].
    You may read my first-hand review on the PMI-ACP® exam question bank here.



Hope this PMI-ACP® mock exam article will be useful for your PMI-ACP® preparation. If you find the paid products suitable and if you enjoy my PMI-ACP® articles, please consider buying it through the links on this page. I will earn a small commission (at NO extra cost to you) to sustain my website costs. Thank you. Wish you PMI-ACP® success!

Most Popular PMI-ACP Certification Articles

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Edward Chung

Edward Chung aspires to become a full-stack web developer and project manager. In the quest to become a more competent professional, Edward studied for and passed the PMP Certification, ITIL v3 Foundation Certification, PMI-ACP Certification and Zend PHP Certification. Edward shares his certification experience and resources here in the hope of helping others who are pursuing these certification exams to achieve exam success.

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149 Responses

  1. ROHIT BISHT says:

    Thanks Edward for your suggestions, they are very helpful, I cleared PMI-ACP in first attempt.

  2. Sherry says:

    Hi Edward, I bookmarked this page since the day I started reviewing for the PMI-ACP exam. I just purchased the PrepCast from Cornelius Fichtner because of my limited budget. Taking the exams nowadays is really challenging. In my experience, my schedule got cancelled 3x since the centers I chose are still close. Two of them advised me a month before the date of the exam. The 3rd center advised me 8days before my scheduled exam. Good thing, rescheduling within 30days is allowed and payment of USD70 is waived until Oct 1, 2020. This time, I chose to take it at home. I just wanted to get the exam over with since it was supposed to happen last June. The movements of the exam can lose the momentum and ruin your plans. Luckily, I passed.

    Anyway, your tips above are really helpful. I just have to carefully chose what I think is the best and within my budget. Since you highly recommend PrepCast, that’s the one I took. And you are right, questions are very close to the question you will see in the real exam. And if I may add, for those who will take the exam…bear in mind that you are a servant-leader having an agile mindset. As in bring-bread-and-coffee-to-the-dev-team level of leadership. 🙂

  3. Jehanzaib Bhatti says:

    Hi Edward,

    Thank you for your valuable resources, I have passed my PMI – ACP examination yesterday. I have got ‘Above Target’ in all seven domains.

  4. Sam Basu says:

    Thanks for the information. Really helped me prepare for the PMI-ACP exam – was able to pass comfortably on the first try. Thanks much.

  5. Raluca says:

    Hello Edward, great articles! Thank you!
    How important is to study from the PMI-ACP Exam Prep by Mike Griffiths book?
    I enrolled for the 21 contact hours to Simplilearn online course, so I got some materials and 5 full length tests.
    I am very familiar to Agile and would additionally only purchase Corneliu Fichtner mockups.
    So my question is if I really need to study the PMI-ACP exam prep book?!
    Thanks a lot!

    • Edward Chung says:

      I would say this is almost a must for the PMI-ACP exam if you have just taken 1 prep course. But if you also purchase Corneliu Fichtner mockups, maybe that’s enough. The bottomline is you get at least 75%-80% in mock exams.

      Anyway, wish you PMI-ACP success!

  6. Cee says:

    Hi Edward,

    This is such wonderful resource – thanks so much for organising and sharing all this. Your website has been extremely helpful in helping me prepare for my exam coming up next week.

    Despite the poor reviews about the Whizlabs questions, I finished their free mock exam and it was one of the hardest exams I did. I share some of your readers’ complaint about the poor language (extremely long paragraphs that gave me a headache!) However, while the actual PMI ACP Exam would have better grammar, I worry that it might also have such complex, headache-provoking questions.

    An example is –
    “A new program manager has been appointed for the ongoing agile project. He has used traditional project management practices for tracking the actual project performance against the planned baselines, and so requests for regular updates on the overall progress of a high priority agile project. The program manager can neither spend more than five minutes on the updates of the project nor able to micromanage the team’s work. Which of the following is the most appropriate response to the request of the program manager, assuming that the project is using weekly sprints?”

    Does the actual PMI-ACP have such long, hard to read questions? Or does it resemble more of what the PrepCast has?

    P.S. an update that you might be interested in sharing with you readers – there are now 120 free questions on Whizlabs. Most are scenario questions!

    Thank you so much for your kind help!

    • Edward Chung says:

      Thanks Cee! Yes, the PMI-ACP exam consists mostly of situational questions with long descriptions of the situation and asking for what best to do next.

      Wish you PMI-ACP success!

  7. JP says:

    hi Ed,

    what is the best mock test exam simulator to purchase in order to nail the PMI ACP exam, ?

  8. Tayyab Hussain says:

    Dear Edward,

    Thank you very much for your prompt reply.

    Following your advice I used the book “PMI-ACP Exam Prep by Mike Griffiths” to prepare my ACP exam. I read the books two times, took a training course for required 21 credits hours by a REP and scored between 70-90% while taking 20 questions at the end of each chapter in mentioned book.

    Now, I feel, I am ready to take full length mock exams.

    I am considering following three options.

    1. ACP Mock Exam software from rmcproject.com. Recommended by Mike Griffiths. Costs 89 $ for three months with 500 questions.
    2. PMI-ACP® Exam Simulator is Cornelius Fichtner. Costs 99 $ for three months with 480 questions.
    3. Book from Andy Crowe. Costs 50 $ and contains 2 full length exams.

    I seek your kind advice that which one you would pick out of these three options considering their alignment with real exam.

    Further, is it safe to assume that if I pick one of these three options and get the score of 70-80% in full length exam, I can proceed to take real ACP exam?

    Your input will be highly appreciated.

    • Edward Chung says:

      Judging from your mock exam results, I would advise you to go options 1 or 2. These two are great mock exam databases. I took the PMI-ACP Exam Simulator by Cornelius Fichtner myself and found it very good. Never tried rmcproject before.

      Wish you PMI-ACP success!

  9. Tayyab Hussain says:

    Dear Edward,

    Thank you for great work and such valuable information.

    Since you have taken many mock exams and real certification exam as well. Can you kindly let us know that which mock exam you found near to real exam in term of complexity of question. In addition, please also suggest that how many mock test you think will be sufficient to get prepared for real exam.

    Many thanks

    • Edward Chung says:

      Hi Tayyab,

      Actually as the exam is evolving, these questions may not be really close to the real PMI-ACP exam. I would say that the questions in the exam reference book of Andy Crowe are quite close to the real exam.

      Wish you PMI-ACP success!

  10. Irshaad Khan says:

    Hi Edward and all the members of the blog, thank you for sharing the information about how to get certified in PMI-ACP and PMP. The cause of this group is great and so also the contribution by Edward is marvellous. I am here (guided by google) to check with all of you how to get started with PMI-ACP. I am very much new to PMI, but not new to Agile I am Certified Scrum Master, PRINCE2, MSP and ITIL(F).

    Could you please suggest how to go ahead with this certifications, like the list of books available, study guides or any material which will be helpful for PMI-ACP, if anyone has them and willing to share
    with me.

    Thank you, Edward, in advance for the help you are providing to all including me.

  11. Steven says:

    Hi Edward! Are your PMI-ACP study notes considered up to date? I take the exam next Friday, and would like to be able to use your notes to close gaps. Could you let me know as quick response as soon as you can?

  12. Roshi says:

    Thanks for nice blog, I appreciate!

    I have one question. I found this link (https://www.whizlabs.com/pmi-acp/practice-tests/), PMI ACP Exam Simulator from Whizlabs. 600+ questions, only 9,95€.

    I would like to know what do you think about this link? Worth to buy? Please let me know.

    Thanks a lot in advance.

    • Edward Chung says:

      Thanks for your comments. The quick answer is I don’t know as I haven’t tried that before. But for that price tag, I would suppose the questions are not “top-notch” as it really takes efforts to develop and maintain the questions based on real candidates’ feedback. Selling at 9,95€ cannot sustain the efforts.

      Anyway, wish you PMI-ACP success!

  13. Sam says:

    Hi, Thank you for the wonderful blog. I passed the PSM Scrum master exam with flying colors. I studied for 5 days, around 40 hours and did the free quiz (suggested by you) three to four times and once I missed any question, I went and studied that area thoroughly. I was able to use all the free resources on the internet (most of the information to study was mentioned on your website, which was critical information in getting me ready for the exam). I thank you for your time and energy putting in the blogs and activities related to it. I also have one question since you have done both PMP and PMI-ACP. Do they overlap material or when you are preparing for one, it is easy to prepare for both at the same time? Is there a sense in doing both or just one of them? I am mostly in IT industry so if only one certification makes sense, then should I go to ACP? Thank you in advance for your valuable feedback.

    • Edward Chung says:

      Hi Sam,

      Congratulations and thanks for your questions.

      I would suggest you to go for the PMI-ACP. The PMP has more about traditional project management which is not quite relevant to IT but will take up a lot of your time for studying.

      The parts overlapping between two certification is Agile project management: PMP on general understanding while PMI-ACP on more detailed scenarios.

      Wish you PMI-ACP success!

  14. Michael says:

    Great resources!

  15. neetiksha says:

    Hi Edward,
    My question is Am I a suitable candidate for pmi acp certification with 2.5 years of total work experience in software development?
    I have worked in scrum team in this experience and I am very keen to improve my knowledge and role with this certification.
    Please tell me even if I go for pmi acp, would it be possible to secure job in this role?

  16. Mahesh says:

    Hi Edward, I have taken my PMP exam and could not pass. The scores I have got is Initiating : Target , planning : Below Target , Executing: Needs improvement, M&C : Needs improvement , Closure : AT.

    In my preparation, I have gone through pmbok once, Read Rita twice with Rita process chart to track activities. During my prep exam I tried different approaches, one – answering and making good faith decisions as manager and excluding choices that don’t work. The scores of this approach are around 68% with Oliver levermann 200 set.

    Second approach I tried is, applying Rita’s chart with grey campus set. this time the scores fared well to 74%.

    During exam, I could notice even the questions were relatively easy compared to both of these sets. Some how I feel there is gap in my approach.. please suggest… I feel more connected to first approach for answering.

    I am totally devastated now and would want to succeed in my second attempt.

    • Edward Chung says:

      Sorry to hear that. But you are much much closer to success! If I were you, I would set aside a few days for rest and clearing my brain. You have already done very well.

      Next, I would try to start the exam preparation anew by focusing on the “gaps”, especially in planning, executing and M&C by answering mock exam questions in these areas. Remember to read through the explanations. Have you tried the mock exam questions here:


      Wish you PMP success the second try!

  17. Wafi O says:

    Hi Edward,
    Your online resources and notes are great help for aspirant candidates. I have used these resources in my PMP and ITIL V3 exams, both cleared on first attempt. Currently I prepare for PMI-ACP and my first stop is your blog.

    Thank you for this wonderful work which makes our preparation less painful.


  18. Grant Warden says:

    Hi Edward,
    I also found your website resources very helpful in my preparation for the PMI-ACP exam. The test questions are helpful, although some sources don’t provide answer explanations. Another site linked on your site has a full exam, but the questions are apparently written by people in India so the grammar is way off and the questions are difficult to understand (https://www.whizlabs.com/pmi-acp/). For anyone out there looking for a test exam, be careful about this one.
    The best bet is to get a few ACP prep books in advance, as each one will have a little different explanation. For a minimal investment you can get great resources. You might even check with your local PMI Chapter and connect with people who already have passed the exam. Maybe you can borrow some study guides.
    Overall, your site has great tips for passing the test. I got Above Target in 6 of 7 domains and Target in the last, so was very pleased. Keep up the good work.

  19. Anu says:

    First in place thank you Edward, for pulling all the strings together which did help many of us. This site was very informative, today I passed my PMI-ACP above target.

    Just want to share my experience from the exam, so that it can be helpful for others

    – Early 20 questions were very elaborative and hence took more than 30min to answer them and later the paper seemed to get better questions. So don’t stress out if you see the time ticking, yet keep up your speed and later you will catch up. I finished the exam 10min before the end time.
    – I have read Mike G. book and Precast exam simulator. Mike G. book gave me the domain knowledge which helped me to answer all the questions.
    – The verbiage in the questions was mostly like an Agile practitioner, Agile coach, Agile leader which was more reflecting the questions I had practised from Whizlabs.com.
    – There are no direct questions…all questions are scenario based.
    – For some of the questions where the answer or choice do not look straight enough, try to strike out the choices which are not apt and that will leave you with the possible answer. I did that for almost 10-12 of them.

    Good luck for future aspirants!


    I passed PMI-ACP today, and this site was extremely useful for my preparation. Just used the free resources and that was good enough. Thanks for putting this together. 🙂

  21. TGC says:

    Hi Edward
    First of all there is a special place for you in heaven for all of the help you have provided to me and everyone else on this site. I have a PMP and I don’t remember being this concerned about the exam!
    I’m scheduled for the exam in a couple of days. I would love to know your thoughts on the relative inconsistencies of the PMI-ACM material. Perhaps it’s just me but I’ve thoroughly studied the Mike Griffiths books and the Head First Agile, and there are new concepts I’ve never heard of that are brought up by the PM PrepCast Exams. For example, questions include references to the cone of uncertainty, Monte Carlo, and whether a technique improves “schedule performance” (I guess that’s a holdover from SPI made into Agile – I thought the whole point is that there IS nothing called a schedule in Agile), and other such confusions (to me at least). It is making the exam very anxious for me since at least for the PMP I had a clear sense of the scope of the material but the PMI-ACP appears to have a different set of concepts one is supposed to be familiar with to pass the exam. Can you comment on that? Appreciate it!!

    • Edward Chung says:

      Sorry to hear your struggles. In fact, the PMI-ACP exam (the PMP Exam also) would include some “test” questions which are out of the syllabus of the exam indeed. So, you may take those questions with areas that you haven’t touched on before as those questions. It’s always great to learn new things, right? Wish you PMI-ACP exam success!

  22. Ragu says:

    Thanks a lot Edward for consolidating this info. Much appreciated! It really helped me to score above targets in my ACP exam.

  23. Zach says:

    Utilized this resource everyday during my study sessions. Great variety of questions and strongly recommend using these suggestions and links. Took my PMI-ACP exam two days ago and Passed Above Target! Thanks Edward.

    Recommendation Edward: Some of the links route to websites that are no-longer accessible, maybe a quick refresh of links would be helpful.

  24. Deji says:

    Special thank s Edward Chung for his Exam tips and comprehensive information on how to pass the PMI-ACP I followied you advise and suggestion on your website an I just passed the PMI-ACP exam today (Above Target in all domains, and I must say, what a relieve. I want to appreciate everyone that shared their Exam experience and Study plans, it was helpful in tailoring my Exam preparation.
    The Exam wasn’t too difficult or tricky I would say its fair. The bulk of the question were Scenario based but I also got fair amount of not too lengthy straight forward, definition type questions as well.
    The question seems strange at the beginning but felt easier as you go progress. I marked almost all questions as I wasn’t 100% sure (Not Recommended as you may be reviewing through the questions in a rush with the limited time you have available my suggestion is to mark only the necessary questions, so your review could be focused)
    I answered 120 questions in 2:39mins and spent the reminder of the time reviewing all the mark questions.
    It’s definitely an agile mindset exam, also I forgot to mention that I had 3 ½ years working as Agile practitioner.
    Study Material / Preparation
    Mike Griffith’s PMI-ACP Exam Prep book 2nd Edition Read it twice and answered the 140 questions
    Agile Practice Guide by PMI. Read it once
    Free mock exams links provided by Edward Chung [Over 600+ questions]
    Exam Tip from Edward Chung
    Study Note provided by Edward Chung
    PMI-ACP Agile Certified Exam Prep – PMI REP 21 PDUs Joseph Phillip
    Paid simulator exam by PM Prepcast [4 full length exams, $99, 480 questions] **** A must *****

    Preparation Time: 4 Weeks
    With a little the right preparation, you definitely can pass this exam. I wish all the aspirant the best of luck.

  25. Manggay says:

    Hi Edward,
    Thanks a lot for your post. Believe me or not, I just went through all the questions from your post 2 days prior to the exam and I passed the exam at first attempt. Some of the links didn’t work though but overall had enough practice through the available ones.

    Thank you.

  26. Katie says:

    Hi Edward,
    Did you read all 11 recommended reading materials recommended by PMI, go through PM PrepCast and the exams listed above to get you to pass the exam? Also, should you go through the PMPrepCast to obtain your 21 hours of training before you apply on the PMI site? Thanks.

  27. Praveen says:

    Hi Edward,

    I just wanted to let you know that I cleared PMI – ACP exam couple of days back. Thank you for providing all the required information to pass the PMI – ACP exam.

    My study plan:

    1. Agile Practice Guide by PMI.
    2. ACP book by Mike Griffiths. [140 questions included]
    3. Free mock exams links provided by Edward Chung [Over 600+ questions]
    4. Paid simulator exam by PM Prepcast [https://www.project-management-prepcast.com/] [4 full length exams, $99, 480 questions]
    5. Paid simulator exam by Whizlabs [https://www.whizlabs.com/] [7 full length exams, $19.99, 840 questions]

    Preparation Time: 6-8 weeks

  28. Syed Raza says:


    I passed ACP exam in three weeks time. Great tips provided by Edward.

    Thank you


    • Edward Chung says:

      Wonderful! Congratulations on passing the exam!

      • A Khan says:

        Hi, i see one user said “Free mock exams links provided by Edward Chung” but i could not find this link..

        Also i have read the PMI ACP by Mike Griffin book 4 times, and done many free moc exams. now i am just 4 days way from the exam. i am thinking to busy whizlabs.com since it has offer for 9$ with 600 Questions. Would you recommend me to go for it knowing i am only 4 days away from the exam?

        Thank you very much for all this posts and links

      • Edward Chung says:

        Sorry Khan,

        All my mock questions are listed in this page already. I have not tried whizlabs and therefore cannot provide any suggestions. Meanwhile, just relax and sleep well. Wish you PMI-ACP success!

  29. Bert says:

    Hi Edward,

    just checking in to say thanks for the mock exam link list and the other resources on your website. I passed the PMI-ACP today and your website helped me do it. Here’s a quick wrap-up of how it went for me, maybe it’s interesting for some other folks. This is from March 2018, just before the change of the exam content outline.

    My background:

    Seven years of Product Management and Project Management in different companies, about half of it in scrum teams. I never once saw a “plain vanilla” implementation of scrum or Kanban; it was always half-tailored, half-improvised. Some exposure to classical waterfall / PMP project management as well.


    – I attended three agile group trainings in my current company over the past three years, 6 days all in all. The last training was specifically focusing on the 21 contact hours required by PMI for the ACP (three days).

    – After taking a couple weeks pondering whether to go for the exam I decided to do it and mostly prepared with Mike Griffith’s PMI-ACP Exam Prep book which I can recommend.

    – I read it once from start to finish, added some bookmarks and prepared some flashcards in the process and then put it all to the side for a bit.

    – Picked it up again after a month or two and did all the test exams at the end of the chapters to find out where I stand.

    – Had about 15 out of 20 correct answers in each chapter and went back over all the weak areas, summarizing more concepts on flash cards, adding more bookmarks.

    – Started doing a couple online mock exams, spending most of the time reviewing the questions where I felt insecure. I did that by searching through keywords in the index of Mike’s book and jumping into the relevant chapters from there. More flashcards and two pages of paper summaries.

    – Did all the exercises in the book which I had entirely skipped during my first sitting.

    – Did the online mock exam that comes as bonus content with the book (60 questions on the rlcms website). That was one of the best ones. Did a very thorough review on those questions/answers.

    – Reviewed a couple concepts online that I didn’t entirely understand from the book (those included Product vs. Story mapping, EVM, Little’s Law, Value-based decomposition and a few others. The book is great but for some of the topics I needed more context to actually understand how they are applied. I still felt uneasy about several aspects of those concepts when I attended the exam because my knowledge on the topics felt just too shallow).

    – In the end I had 50 flash cards because I remember stuff through writing. But the only things I really learned “by heart” were the Agile Manifesto, 3 Scrum Pillars, 12 Agile Principles, 7 wastes of lean and a couple others. Turned out nearly none of this was directly asked for in the exam though.

    – All in all I spent a couple weeks with the book to read it in the evenings (interesting stuff!) and then around three full weekends on really working through the parts where I felt weak (tough stuff!). I think I read somewhere that 50 to 60 hours preparation time are necessary, and I think I might even have used a little more. I scheduled the test on the last possible date before the change of the exam content outline 🙂

    The Exam:

    The Exam was really weird I must say, and I’m not sure what to think of it. It felt very difficult right from the start and got a little easier towards the third quarter, but to me it was tough to cope with the three hours and the ticking clock in the corner of the screen. There were exclusively situational questions and most of them felt ambiguous. In many cases it was easy to cross out two options but nearly impossible to decide between the remaining two. However, there were only three questions where I really had no clue at all – still, the entire time I was unsure whether I would pass, but especially the first half felt really demotivational. The strange part about it is that I didn’t only pass, but got the “above target” grade on every single one of the seven domains. It feels like there’s either something strange with my perception or something strange with how this test is designed.

    That being said, I have very little experience with computer based tests because they’re not so common in the German school/uni system, and the fact that English is my second language certainly required additional resources in trying to exactly decipher the questions. I guess the hardest part here is to really understand all questions well enough to picture each situation, while not missing any details or keywords (who’s acting, what’s the context, which clues might the actors mention?). I felt the urge to read them all out loud to myself, but of course I was not alone in the room…

    A typical question would go something like this (made up nonsense example): “A new member has joined an agile team and is afraid to share his thoughts on a new architecture proposal brought forward by a more senior developer. In the middle of the following six-week sprint, the customer announces a change in plans that would uncover considerable technical debt. How might an agile practitioner react to their inquiry to interrupt the sprint and run a risk-based spike?”
    – Instantly abort iteration and alert senior management (obvious wrong one)
    – Ask the new member to join forces with the senior developer to run the spike (sounds reasonable)
    – Discuss how to proceed with the entire team and Product Owner (always sounds reasonable)
    – Log any risks in the risk register and bring them up in the retrospective (hmmmmm not sure)

    So yeah this example makes little sense but I want to show that the hard part is picturing all of this in your head and drawing conclusions within one minute and 30 seconds, repeated 120 times over the course of three hours. Unfortunately I didn’t encounter any mock exams that did a good job at simulating this experience. Maybe one would have to pay for those.

    The Environment

    Part of the whole experience is the test center where you’re being watched by cameras, security-checked down to your socks, and barely allowed to take a break to have some water. Many things about this test feel American, but if you’ve never had the pleasure to take a plane to the United States, this will probably be your closest experience to the LAX airport security check. Maybe this adds to the perceived hostility of the test itself 🙂

    Well I guess that’s it, hope it helps!

  30. Paul says:

    Edward, which would you recommend more – agileexams.com or pmtraining.com for additional exam questions? thank you!

    • Edward Chung says:

      Hi Pual, between these two, I would advise pmtraining as the questions are more “situational” which is the trend for the PMI-ACP exam. However, I would highly advise you to purchase the PMI-ACP exam simulator if budget permits as the questions are much closer to the real exam.

      Wish you PMI-ACP success!

  31. Syed says:

    Hi Edward,
    I appreciate your contents and guidance for everyone. I am preparing PMI-ACP exam and planing to write the exam by March 2. Can you please guide which simulator is free with some practice exam questions. I dont want to spend too much money on buying the exams.

    Please advise.


    • Edward Chung says:

      Just try out the above free sample questions. But be warned that the actual PMI-ACP exam is having more and more situational questions and the free exams above may not be close enough to the real exam questions.

      I would highly recommend the PMI-ACP Exam Simulator (https://edward-designer.com/web/pmi-acp-exam-simulator-review/ ). You can actually try it out for free.

      Wish you PMI-ACP success!

      • Syed says:

        I appreciate your response. Thanks for the advise.

        Do you think is it worth to buy exam simulator for 90 days? or free questions are enough.
        I have booked my exam in few days.


      • Syed says:

        Do you have any discount code like you shared last year ? I want to buy this simulator asap.
        Please let me know. Do you think is it worth to buy this one ?


      • Edward Chung says:

        Sorry Syed, currently there is no discount coupon code for the PMI-ACP Exam Simulator. If you need high quality and user-friendly PMI-ACP mock exams, I would highly recommend you make use of this one.

        Wish you PMI-ACP success!

  32. Belle says:

    Thank you! It’s really very helpful.
    Happy New year!!! 🙂

  33. Aks says:

    Thanks very much for the good quality links

  34. Sachin Verma says:

    Hello All,
    Just want to share the good news that i cleared PMI ACP in my first attempt today.
    Thank you Edward for the inputs, suggestions, tip and tricks that you provided here.. It was so helpful and can’t thank you enough.
    It took me longer than expected( 5 months0 to prepare and clear the examination as i was studying between the time i was getting managing work and family but i kept going even when i only had 15 mins in a day to prepare.
    The paid mock tests difficulty level was too high which really helped me to understand where i was going wrong.
    Good luck to all the future PMI ACP aspirants. May the force be with you.


  35. hendi says:

    Hello Edward, Any thought if we need to understand these terms/topics as below?
    As far as I knew, these topics/terms are not described in Mike Griffiths/RMC’s Exam Prep for PMI-ACP. Thank you.

    ‘just in case’
    phrase ‘fast-flexible-flow’ used in Womack & Jones
    extreme character/extreme persona
    instrinsic quality
    role of Product Champion
    slack, energized, sit together
    backlog: DEEP, DIVE, INVEST
    iteration buffer, feeding buffer
    verify scope
    Reciprocal commitment
    four basic activities in XP programming: listening, designing, coding, testing
    risk response strategy
    risk analysis (qualitative analysis, quantitative analysis)
    organic risk management, overt risk management
    risk exposure
    five core risk (productivity variation, scope creep, specification breakdown, intrinsic schedule flaw , personnel loss)
    risk category (business, technical, logistic, PESTLE)
    feature breakdown structure
    work in process v (lean manufacturing) s work in progress
    Fractionally Assigned (not ‘fully’ assigned to one project)
    stacey diagram
    innovation games
    focus group
    chicken, pig, ship-dog in Scrum
    sashimi technique
    Committed, Responsible, Authorized, Collaborative, and Knowledgeable(CRACK)
    DRY principle (Don’t Repeat Yourself )
    ARCS, a criteria for evaluating Instructional designs by J.M. Keller
    normative methodology
    Three-step intervention path (conflict resolution technique)
    decision framing
    iteration demo
    value point estimation
    health check technique
    component test
    quantity of function
    Surprise Retrospectives
    staging process
    strategic planning
    stress testing
    New revenue
    wave (intermediate point)
    speculate phase
    error-feedback ratio
    CARVER (Criticality, Accessibility, Return, Vulnerability, Effect, and Recognizability)
    Motivational Theories (Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, Herzberg’s Hygiene Theory, Expectancy Theory)
    Core Agile project management phases (envisioning, speculating, exploring, adapting, closing)

    • Edward Chung says:

      Thanks for your comment.

      After going through your list, I would say that some of the concepts are actually included in Mike Griffiths/RMC’s Exam Prep for PMI-ACP (e.g. CARVER, DRY, etc.) while some are included in the PMBOK Guide (should have come across if you have attempted the PMP Exam). The rest maybe some more forward-thinking Agile principles that have not been mentioned in PMI-ACP exam prep books. As there isn’t a concrete/detailed syllabus for the PMI-ACP Exam, I cannot tell whether some or all of these terms are needed.

      But from my PMI-ACP Exam experience, Mike Griffiths’s PMI-ACP Exam Prep book should be sufficient for passing the exam 😛

      Wish you PMI-ACP success!

      • hendi says:

        Hello Edward, thanks for sharing your thoughts. Yes I agree with what you said. Cheers.

  36. SandyK says:

    Sure. Almost all the questions were situational. If you don’t understand the topics well enough/lack real experience they have the potential to confuse you. Focus more on Scrum as I found my prep for PSM I certification earlier and real life experiences very useful. Also if money is not a a concern then definitely consider having personal coaching and/or training. Nothing beats learning from real world discussions and experiences. All the best and good luck to all aspirants!!!

  37. SandyK says:

    I’m happy to share that I passed my PMI-ACP exam on Sep 30, 2017 with Above Target in all categories. Edward’s site has been very useful. God bless Edward!!!

    • Edward Chung says:

      Congratulations on your perfect score. Would you be so kind as to share your lessons learned to fellow PMI-ACP Aspirants? This would be extremely useful. Thanks!

  38. Brian Basu says:

    Hi Edward – I think I jumped the gun on my earlier assessment. I have taken several tests from their question bank and experienced the extent of their coverage as you stated. Their explanations are also quite detailed.

  39. Sesshu says:

    Hi Edward,

    I am going to give my exam (PMI-ACP) next week . Just a day back, I have completed reading Griffith’s book. Now looking for real exam simulated mock questions. Can you please suggest ? Normally how many questions shall be answered (correctly) to pass the exam ?

    • Edward Chung says:

      I would highly suggest the PMI-ACP® Exam Simulator which is close to the real PMI-ACP exam:

      As for the number of correct answers required to pass the exam, PMI has not disclosed this information. So, sorry I cannot help you out as the actual score of each individual question would be adjusted based on the level of difficulty.

      But according to my and many others’ experience, you would need to get at least 65% of the questions correct (and at least 75% in mock exams).

      Wish you PMI-ACP success!

  40. Brian Basu says:

    Bought the 1000+ quality PMI-ACP® exam questions from PM Training. Repetitive and substandard. Not worth it.

    • Edward Chung says:

      I do agree that many questions are repetitive but this exam simulator helped me to get all proficient as it provides a lot of practice exam questions to help me get used to the the actual exam environment. It’s a pity that you found it not useful.

      Wish you PMI-ACP success!

  41. Moize Syed says:


    I appeared for PMI ACP exam and failed in first attempt, do you have good quality situational questions for the exam? If yes please let me try a sample before purchase.

    Books I have already is Mike Griffith PMI ACP prep second edition and exploring scrum fundamentals.


  42. Yasmin says:

    I just wanted to thank you for the links, they were helpful for my ACP exam. I have passed it on the 26th of Feb.
    Thanks again 🙂

  43. Alex Langley says:

    The underlying HREF for these two links is the same. The second doesn’t match the visible text. Please update your links…

    [20 PMI-ACP® exam questions] http://leadinganswers.typepad.com/leading_answers/2012/05/pmi-acp-sample-questions.html
    [20 updated PMI-ACP® exam questions] http://leadinganswers.typepad.com/leading_answers/2015/12/20-pmi-acp-v2-sample-questions.html
    By Mike Griffiths, one of the PMI-ACP® Steering Committee Member.

  44. solomani says:

    This is a great resource, thanks. Outside these questions are their any paid/free exam simulators you would recomend? I see Mike Griffth has one but at $200 its pretty expensive. I am confident with all my theory and practice but would like to prep more through practice exams.

    • Solomani says:

      Took (and passed) the PMI-ACP exam today. Out of the list of resources above only Mike Griffiths’ stuff is pertinent IMO. The other free tests linked focus too narrowly on a particular method – like XP – but the ACP exam is about the ideas and methods behind agile as they pertain to project management not the specific process of scrum, crystal, XP etc.

      I used the Agile course from Learnsmart and that was prep enough. If you have the money and are keen I would recommend Mike’s stuff as it gives a good idea of the type of questions (and how ambiguous thrust can be) in the test.

  45. Singh says:

    Hi Edward,
    As requested, here are some of my recollection of the exam.

    1) I was surprised to find questions around Sponsor; Higher Management; Functional Leader, where as many of the mock questions only talk about Customer, Product Owner and Scrum Master or Agile Practitioner. Therefore, I would be good for potential candidates to also look for the aforesaid roles influence from Agile perspective and how an Agile Practitioner is support to interact with them on top of Product Owner. E.g. there was a question on ‘Done’ and whom should an Agile lead should reconcile a ‘Done’ product increment. The options included Customer: Product Owner; Both and Sponsor. So I hope people would get the gist what I am talking about.

    2) There were only 2 questions based on graphs of burndown charts, very simple to interpret but options were confusing. Like is the iteration behind or ahead or is the iteration under jeopardy, so people need to be very clear that ‘behind’ is more specific than jeopardy.

    3) There many questions around role of ‘teams’, such as : when a team member does not cooperate, what should Agile lead do? when a team member lacks technical skills; when a team member does not openly share info. ; when a team member has expert knowledge (SME); etc. So it is good to practice questions around team dynamics and what would be then best course of action for the Agile lead.

    If one concentrates on the above topics in details, I reckon they would be in good shape to pass the exam. Cheers.

  46. USingh says:

    Hello all,
    I passed the PMI-ACP today. My first hand feedback is prepared around various situations that could go wrong in the project from requirements perspective , priority, conflict among team; not meeting deadlines etc;and especially on role and responsibilities of an Agile Practitioner; Scrum Master; Product Manager ; Customer and Sponsors.
    Less focus on XP, lean; TDD etc. You will be alright with these topics,

  47. Srinivas Reddy Nalla says:


    I am currently taking the PMTraining mock exams and I think the questions are pretty basic and not formatted at a professional level. They look like they are worded by a school kid. I may be sounding overly critical, but compared to PM Exam Simulator I used for PMP mocks, these look amateurish. Also, in the same 40 question exam, sometimes 4-5 questions are similar. I am now little hesitant to go into the real exam, though I am consistently scoring above 80%.

    Any suggestions?

    Srinivas Nalla

    • Edward Chung says:

      Hi Srinivas,

      Yes, the PMTraining mock exams are much easier than the PMP mock exams as, in reality, the PMI-ACP Exam is much easier than the PMP Exam in my opinion. I do agree that I found the “repetitive” questions quite annoying but if you can consistently scoring above 80%, you stand a high chance of passing the exam (I scored around 70-100% for the various mock exams I have attending in PMTraining).

      Wish you PMI-ACP success!

  48. Padmini says:

    i just got my pmi acp application approved , i need to start preparing and ideally would like to take the exam by october. is the first step to start agile prepcast and then the book ; followed by sample questions? pls. let me know

    • Edward Chung says:

      Hi Padmini,

      Yes, that’s my sequence of working through the PMI-ACP Certification studies. The Agile PrepCast provides you all the required info in an easy-to-digest video format. The PMI-ACP book is there to help you remember all the key facts and have some hands-on practices. The sample questions are to confirm that you are READY for the PMI-ACP exam.

      Wish you PMI-ACP success!

  49. Srinivas Reddy Nalla says:


    I am preparing for PMI-ACP exam and am currently going through AgilePrepCast, which will be completing in 2-3 days. How much additional preparation is needed apart from that to pass the exam? Do I need need to read a book or this with other online material is sufficient? I am planning to schedule the exam in the first week of Sep, so wanted to understand the amount of preparation needed.


    • Edward Chung says:

      Hi Srinivas,

      Glad to receive your comment.

      I would say if you have understood and remembered all the materials in the Agile PrepCast plus you have tried a number of mock exam questions and passed with over 70%, you are almost set to pass the PMI-ACP exam in first try.

      At the time of my PMI-ACP preparation, I was a bit nervous and purchased the book by Mike Griffiths ( https://edward-designer.com/web/best-pmi-acp-book-pmi-acp-exam-prep-by-mike-griffiths/ ) which is considered the “textbook” for the PMI-ACP exam. If you are less confident about passing the exam in first try, you are advised to read that book too. Very good. I finished the book together with all the questions within a few days only and you still have plenty of time to prepare for the exam.

      Wish you PMI-ACP success!

      • Srinivas Reddy Nalla says:

        Thanks for the quick reply, Edward. This is really helpful.

        Amazed how you take time to share and reply to all, great work!

  50. Ramesh says:

    HI Chung, Can you please tell me in that [1000+ quality PMI-ACP® exam questions for US$99US$59] base, how many questions are scenario-based questions? You have mentioned quite a few number of question. Would you able to give me a rough number on out of 1000 how many are scenario-based questions?

    Additionally do you know any other exams that provide more scenario-based practice questions..

    Thanks in advance

    • Edward Chung says:

      I would say probably around 30-40% of the questions are scenario-based at the time of my taking the PMI-ACP mock exam questions. As the online question bank is ever evolving, I am not sure if they have added more scenario-based questions after the update of the PMI-ACP exam last year. Thanks!

  51. Harshal says:


    The last link in your list which says……
    [20 PMI-ACP® exam questions] https://my.examprofessor.com/quickexams
    Registration required

    —–> It now has 100 questions.
    Please update the text.

  52. San says:

    I happened to come across V2 of list of questions at http://leadinganswers.typepad.com/leading_answers/2015/12/20-pmi-acp-v2-sample-questions.html. Just thought to share with you for updating your sample practice questions directory.

  53. Manikandan says:

    Hi, I am working on the sample exams and bought Agileexams a week back. But, looking into the recent comments, I am bit concerned about the real exam as none of these mock exams are providing more number of scenario/situation based question. I am able to get 70-80% in all these mock exams. Please advise.

    • Edward Chung says:

      I have heard that iZenbridge questions more closely resemble the actual PMI-ACP exam but I do not have first hand experience about that. But I would say if you have the theoretical background on Agile, you should be okay for those situational questions in my experience.

      Wish you PMI-ACP success!

      • Manikandan says:

        Thanks Edward, I have cleared my PMI ACP exam today. My view is none of these mock exam sites are close to real exam. All the questions were scenario/Situation based and we need to apply our Agile knowledge to find the correct answer..

        Excellent questions and I really enjoyed the exam by reading the scenarios instead of standard questions in Agile world..


  54. swapna says:

    cleared ACP . put in more effort during last week. thanks Edward

    • Manikandan says:

      Hi, I am taking PMI ACP exam next week. looking into all these free sample questions and also Agileexams. As OKA said, all questions from simplilearn are pretty straight forward or theory based. I would like some one to share some scenario based questions (aspects) for my preparation

  55. Swapna says:

    Hi .. I am taking my PMI-ACP next week … very nervous and I got only 65% on iZenbridge sample test and 70 – 80% on Mike Griffiths sample tests. Team, please advice if I am ready to take up my exam. Please let me know any test that I could validate my readiness. Kindly help.

    • Edward Chung says:

      Thanks for your email.

      From your mock exam results, you stand a high chance of passing the PMI-ACP Exam! However, recent PMI-ACP candidates have expressed that most of the questions in the real PMI-ACP Exam are situational questions (i.e. presenting a situation and asking you to select the best/most logical action).

      For the time being, I would highly advise you to understand the questions you have got wrong, especially the iZenbridge questions. If you can master those questions, you should be able to pass the real exam!

      Wish you PMI-ACP success!

  56. Nirmala says:

    I passed my PMI-ACP exam today. Questions were nothing like the sample exam questions I have prepared. Pretty much all the questions were scenario based questions. You really need to understand the concepts well.

    I am now looking for the ways to earn free PDUs for my ACP renewal before my memberrship expires. So that the renewal fee would be less. Any advise on that is much appreciated.

  57. Raj says:

    Hi Oka, Thanks for sharing insight into new exams. Can you please share in scenario based exam it is like based on one scenario you have multiple questions based on scenario and also whether majority of the questions asked for one best option or multiple options ?

  58. Oka says:

    I attended Simplilearn for my 21 contact hours.
    The course and sample questions are more on theory.

    In real PMI-ACP Exam (which I just passed today), it is testing you about 90% application/scenario-based.

    In Simplilearn, they give you 5 sample exam questions. That is 120 question * 5 = 600 questions.
    And none of these sample questions shown in real PMI-ACP exam.
    However, with the “theory” from Simplilearn course, and your real agile project management experience, it is not a problem to take this PMI-ACP exam. Like myself. 😉

    • Edward Chung says:

      Congratulations on passing the PMI-ACP Exam! Thanks for letting PMI-ACP aspirants know that the exam is more about practical application than theory memorization!

  59. Oka says:

    Just passed my PMI-ACP exam today.
    90% of the questions test you on the application side, such as giving you a scenario, and what will you do/manage it.
    There is no straight forward question like what is Kanban, what is the role of Scrum Master.

  60. PM says:

    Simplilearn – Any comments?
    Hi Edward,
    First of all, thanks for sharing all the valuable info about the PMI-ACP certification and tips on preparing for the exam and so on. I found it very helpful.
    Now with the changes to the the PMI-ACP exam, I was researching to find a good training provider, mainly reading the reviews and came across some info on Trustpilot that Simplilearn had fake reviews. I’m curious just wanted to hear if you have any comments.


  61. John says:

    Here are ten more sample question worth looking: http://www.360pmo.com/free-pmi-acp-sample-questions/

  62. Edward Chung says:

    Hi Matulich,

    Congratulations on your passing the PMI-ACP Exam! Thanks a lot for your lessons learned from the new PMI-ACP exam which is very useful to fellow PMI-ACP aspirants!

  63. A. Matulich says:

    Hi, thanks for this collection of exam question links. I passed my PMI-ACP at the end of October 2015, and I must say the exam I took had NO resemblance whatsoever to the practice questions you can find online. Everything you find online tests you on your knowledge of facts. The PMI-ACP has changed. All of the questions (except fpr two about two burn-down charts) were scenario questions: “Here’s a situation, what do you do?” and most of the time two of the choices were equally plausible, and NOT what I would do in real life. I really had to concentrate on what I knew about Agile processes and tools, and how they applied to the given situation.

    Instead if testing you on your knowledge of facts, the exam ASSUMES you already know the facts and instead tests you on the APPLICATION of those facts to real situations. This took me by surprise, and while I finished the exam in 1.5 hours, I used the full 3 hours to complete it, changing maybe 15 of my answers as I went through the exam repeatedly. In the end I passed with two “above proficient” areas with the rest “proficient”, which pleased me — that was better than I did on my PMP exam in 2009.

    I recommend to anyone about to take the exam: Get up-to-date study materials. Yes, it helps to do the practice questions online, but understand that the actual exam will test you on scenarios.

  64. Tom says:

    Hi Edward, just wondering if this page is still relevant as the PMI-ACP exam just got updated and changed.. thanks!

    • Edward Chung says:

      Hi Tom,

      Yes, since the change to PMI-ACP exam syllabus is considered minor (as most of the course materials are exactly the same with a change of the organization of presentation), these PMI-ACP mock exam questions listed above are still relevant!

      Wish you PMI-ACP success!

  65. Maria G says:

    I have been studying for the exam for a while, training material from the class I took, your website and one other book I bought.
    I have been practicing for weeks now and do really well on the exams provided in the materials I mentioned above. But any time I try to take another sample exam that’s new, I don’t do very well. Seems like as if I haven’t covered all aspects of the exam during my studies.

    I already have the exam scheduled for next week and I am very nervous about what to do.

    Many of these websites seem to claim that their simulation tests are enough to study for the exam.
    In your expert opinion what should I do?

    • Edward Chung says:

      Hi Maria,

      Don’t worry too much. Agile is such a broad topic that the sample exams on the market will cover a lot of topics we haven’t dealt with during our studies. I was quite nervous before the exam too. In my experience, the real PMI-ACP exam is a bit less difficult than most practice exams. If you can do well in the training materials and the reference book, that should be sufficient. During my last week of study, I read through my notes and did just a few practice exams. I tried to refresh my mind by having more rests. Don’t worry, if you have worked hard, you will pass the PMI-ACP exam!

      Wish you PMI-ACP exam success!

      • Maria G says:

        Thank you so much for your support. Your website has been a tremendous help!
        What’s the passing score for the PMI-ACP exam? The most I get on any full length practice exam is b/w 80 – 85% 🙁

      • Edward Chung says:

        HI Maria,

        Oh you have done extremely well for getting 80 – 85%! You should be able to pass the PMI-ACP exam with ease!

  66. M Khan says:

    Thank you for sharing the detailed info on the PMI-ACP Exam. I have been preparing for the exam using the sample questions on this website, PMI-ACP Exam Prep: 1000+ PMI-ACP Practice Questions with Detailed Solutions by Tim Bagnall and training material from the bootcamp course I took a few month ago. That training material has 2 comprehensive sample exams.
    I think I have most of it covered, but I am still nervous b/c I want to pass it in the first go.

    Any other recommendations or suggestions?

  67. M Khan says:

    I have been studying for the Exam using this website. Its been very helpful. Thank you so much!
    I also took a bootcamp class a few months ago and the training material from the class includes 2 comprehensive Exams.

    I can keep buying more exams an more books for studying for the exam, but to finish up my prep, I would like to know if there are any other websites you know of that have paid exams that are close to the actual Exam?

    Appreciate your help!

  68. Saba M says:

    Mr. Chung,

    Have you heard about this book? Would you recommend it?
    PMI-ACP Exam Prep: 1000+ PMI-ACP Practice Questions with Detailed Solutions
    byTim Bagnall

  69. M Khan says:

    Thank you so much for sharing this helpful information with us.
    I have been preparing for the PMI-ACP using this website and I have 2 full length Exams from the bootcamp training I took a few months ago.
    Are there any other “good” paid online tests I should buy? Any recommendations?

    Thank you!

  70. Jacob says:

    Hi Mr Chung!
    I can find only 20 free exam question https://my.examprofessor.com/quickexams/exams. How about other 80 question?

  71. Syed says:

    I have a detailed question about PMP. Want to talk to you on phone. Can you please give me your number or I can give you my number and u can call me.

    Would appreciate a positive response.


    • Edward Chung says:

      Sorry that I cannot talk to you on the phone. You are encouraged to leave your comment here so that I can discuss with you. Thanks!

      • Ragu says:

        Thank you Edward for this consolidation of info. Your efforts are highly appreciated. It really helped me to get “Above Target” in 6 domains.

  72. harshal says:


    I used this one more link. I got similar questions.

  73. Rahul says:

    Offline “boot camps” were used by 20% of people in the study. Interestingly, nearly half of the people did not mention the name of their boot camp. Compared to resources such as books and practices tests, where people went into great detail on what they used and why they did or didn’t like it, there is much less information on offline courses. Considering the importance of this decision, perhaps this will be the subject of a follow-up post.